Steriflow Dali Cascading Water

With Dali Steriflow System, baskets of plastic milk jugs are moved back and forth horizontally at lowfrequency through the internal handling chain. Bottles must have a head space ; the milk is agitated by a bubble moving inside the bottle. This agitation is enough to avoid skin formation and browning during sterilization.
This is similar to rotation.The process used for this pasteurization is ideal for sterilizing your milk bottles, e. g. in plastic or glass packaging. You can also use a DALI autoclave for the sterilization of your sauces in your pocket and the sterilization of your drinks in cans.

Technical specifications :
Standard diameters:
• 900 mm,
• 1,300 mm, this diameter corresponds to the maximum size of a manual basket (476 cans 4/4 cans) and a capacity of 1 to 9 baskets.
• 1,450 mm,
• 1,600 mm,
• 1,800 mm,
• 2,000 mm,
• With a capacity of 2 to 9 baskets according to diameter.

• We can achieve the same results as using the rotary process with liquid product. Dali is a less expensive and more flexible option as it is scalable to several package sizes in the same basket (unlike rotary where it is necessary to use different kind of baskets for each type of packaging).
• A small initial investment thus more affordable over the short term.
• We developed baskets specifically designed to this retort to provide an ease of use by operators.
• Low maintenance. Simple mechanics with a reduced number of parts.
• Packaging cooling is performed with sterile water.

Types of packaging or products
• Dairy products, (do not caramelize thanks to low frequency shaking).
• Liquid products.
• Sauces.

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